Nintendo Direct: Mistwalker’s Fantasian Neo Dimension Coming to Switch

The definitive version of the Apple Arcade hit is on its way!

By Olivia Montalvo. Posted 06/20/2024 00:09 Comment on this     ShareThis

Mistwalker’s Fantasian, the acclaimed RPG from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, is finally breaking free from its Apple Arcade exclusivity and coming to Nintendo Switch as Fantasian Neo Dimension this holiday season. It will be an enhanced version of the original 2021 Fantasion, as that game was launched in two parts. This game will be the comprehensive bundle, including new difficulty options, features, and voice acting.

A Long-Awaited Switch Release

Originally released in 2021 for Apple Arcade, Fantasian garnered praise for its stunning diorama-based visuals, engaging turn-based combat, and music composed by Final Fantasy veteran Nobuo Uematsu. The game follows the story of Leo, a mysterious amnesiac who finds himself in a world of machines and must unravel the secrets of his past and a mechanical infection plaguing the land.

Upgraded for Consoles

While the core experience remains intact, Fantasian Neo Dimension promises significant visual upgrades for its console debut. Players can expect enhanced graphics, taking full advantage of Switch’s capabilities to bringing the game’s intricate dioramas to life. The upgraded switch features include:

  • Additional difficulty setting
  • English and Japanese voice acting options

While retaining the artistic vision and gameplay, Fantasian Neo Dimension aims to provide an enhanced audiovisual experience with voiceovers, difficulty options, and potential for a wider platform release beyond its initial Apple Arcade exclusivity.

A Reunion with Square Enix

Interestingly, Mistwalker has partnered with Square Enix, Sakaguchi’s former employer, to publish Fantasian Neo Dimension on Switch. This reunion between the Final Fantasy creator and the company he co-founded adds an intriguing layer to the game’s release.

With its pedigree, stunning visuals, and engaging gameplay, Fantasian Neo Dimension is shaping up to be a must-play for RPG fans on the Nintendo Switch this holiday season.

Source: Nintendo Direct Broadcast 06.18.24

This article was written by a Nintendojo, Jr. Contributor. You can learn more about the initiative here.

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