Nintendo Addresses the Issue of Scalpers Regarding its Switch Succesor

President Furukawa believes the company has found a possible solution.

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 07/01/2024 10:28 Comment on this     ShareThis

The specter of Switch 2 looms large as Nintendo’s fiscal year continues its trudge to March 2025. Company President Shuntaro Furukawa has previously indicated that it is within that timeframe that Nintendo will finally make an official announcement about the successor to Switch. While fans wait with baited breath for the reveal, one concern on the minds of many is how the company will handle the issue of scalpers. Scalpers have been a persistent problem within the video game community for years, and surely no one is interested in spending extra money to purchase the next Nintendo console.

In an interview translated by IGN, Furukawa states that Nintendo plans to circumvent scalpers by simply producing enough of the console to meet consumer demand. One of the obstacles that Nintendo faced during this current console generation was a shortage of certain key components needed to manufacture Switch. It seems that this issue has been alleviated, according to Furukawa:

Although we were unable to produce sufficient quantities of Nintendo Switch hardware last year and the year before due to a shortage of semiconductor components, this situation has now been resolved. At this time, we do not believe that the shortage of components will have a significant impact on the production of the successor model.

This at least gives fans some hope that when the so-called Switch 2 comes to stores, it won’t be in scarce supply. Hopefully this will indeed prevent scalpers from ruining the fun when the console finally launches.

Do Furukawa’s words put you at ease? Let us know what you think below and on social media.

Source: IGN

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