Actor Chris Pratt Predicting Lots More Mario and Nintendo Movies

Nintendo fans will have plenty of content to look forward to in the years to come!

By Shiloh Saheli. Posted 05/20/2024 13:16 Comment on this     ShareThis

Earlier in the year, Nintendo announced a sequel to The Super Smash Bros. Movie, which is planned to release in 2026. More recently, however, an interview with the famous Mario voice actor Chris Pratt came out discussing the future of Nintendo movies. Pratt put down his piece on what he believes the future of the film series will be. He stated that he expects a wave of not only Mario movies, but Nintendo movies over the coming decade. He couldn’t share any details beyond that sadly. but Pratt stated the following:

“It gets me very excited thinking about the world of Mario and Nintendo in general, I think over the next decade we will be seeing lots of stories coming out of that world. I was thrilled, honored, and blessed to be part of the first one and moving forward I’m open to doing as much and as little as they want from me. I can’t say much but I am just as excited as everyone else.”

Hollywood and Nintendo would definitely not have a problem creating more movies together, especially with their first effort the The Super Mario Bros. Movie being the most profitable movie of 2023. What do you guys think? Maybe a Donkey Kong movie? Who knows?

Source: ScreenRant

This article was written by a Nintendojo, Jr. Contributor. You can learn more about the initiative here.

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