Artists Encounter AI Images in the 2024 Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest

There is controversy afoot!

By Brandon Elkins. Posted 06/18/2024 00:20 1 Comment     ShareThis

AI images have found their way into the top 300 entries in the 2024 Official Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest.

At least six submissions created with an AI image generation program have found there way into the 2024 Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest. The six pieces that are under scrutiny feature images of Pikachu and Eevee that at first glance look like professional renderings of the popular Pokémon. However, upon closer inspection, fans and artists alike noticed several key tells that indicate the six images were AI generated.

Such tells that were pointed out by users on X who highlighted the illogical decisions in proportions, lines, scale, and the blending of the subject’s features into backgrounds and foregrounds, all of which being consistent with AI generated imagery.

In addition to the images themselves, the contestants who submitted them have a very similar names: Vigo K, Vigan K, Vigan Kachadoorian, and Vigo Kachadoorian. All with the initials of V.K. which has aroused suspicion of perhaps they are the same person. If true, this V.K. is not only using AI to enter the contest, but breaking the three illustration limit of the contest.

With the revelation of these AI images in the top 300, the legitimacy of other submissions for the contest are being called into question. In particular, Pikachu and Eevee submissions, as there are more readily available resources for AI to pull from when generating images of the popular mascots of Pokémon.

The Pokémon community on X has called for the removal of these entries in order to recognize actual artists who spent their time and effort creating illustrations for the contest, rather than soulless AI generated images.

As of now, there hasn’t been any official statement from Pokémon about these concerns.

Sources: Sports Illustrated & The Official Pokémon TCG X Account

One Response to “Artists Encounter AI Images in the 2024 Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest”

  • 106 points
    Alexia Huizar says...

    That is wild. AI art is very diabolical and takes away the attention from actual artists who puts time and effort into their pieces. It also wastes time for the contests and judges.

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